I give you...KICKSVILLE.
(From their website) Because I can't really even describe them
Kicksville. Population at last count: 58 and growing fast. Founded as a creative vacation resort by Mayor Mike Stehr and Commissioner Conrad St. Clair, it's grown into a musical collective, artistic movement, and a virtual community. Everything is created from scratch by Kicksville's citizens, a team of musicians, artists, writers, and tech geeks who commute to Kicksville from twelve different cities on three continents and who've worked with a dizzying range of other artists ranging from Laurie Anderson to Van Halen and dozens of others, including Queen, BB King, King Crimson and members of the Grateful Dead.
The music of Kicksville ranges from the Malian blues of Kalamaya to the surrealist funk of Dumfukistan to the dark industrial throttle of Krankypants. Incorporating improvisation, painstaking programming, melodic sensibility, bizarre sound effects, and award-winning poetry, genre-defying is a lame cliche that doesn't even come close to describing Kicksville.
I first heard of these guys about 2 or 3 years ago at All Good Music Festival. I happened to be wandering around on either the second or third day of the festival when I heard some interesting sounds off in the distance. I made my way to where the sounds were coming from, which happened to be the Ropeadope sidestage and subsequently, from the band Kicksville. I had never and still to this day haven't ever (as far as I can remember) seen or heard anything like this before. From their thumping bass, 19-something speech samples, electronic experimentations, and pounding rhythms; this band is well, somehow enjoyable. They have since released three albums, Enter the Flavor Hut, The Results of a Higher Mission, and lastly Kicksville The Singles- Season 1, which is a collection of weekly single "episodes" of sonic ambition that were released over a 13 week period. They have also released quite a number of episodes for Kicksville- Season 2 as well. Check em out HERE. Buy their music. See some videos HERE', you know the routine.
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