Sorry about the Flaming Lips overload here. BUT
According to the LA Times:
The Flaming Lips have already recorded a follow-up to “Embryonic.” The band will release a track-by-track interpretation of Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” in the near future, which it recorded with Stardeath and the White Dwarfs, a band that features Coyne’s nephew Dennis.
Henry Rollins and Peaches make guest appearances on the album, Coyne told the crowd during a pre-concert question-and-answer session. A Flaming Lips spokesman says the album will likely be an iTunes-only release, at least initially.
It will certainly be a more comfortable -- at least familiar release -- than the sonic experimentations of “Embryonic.” But the Flaming Lips’ fan base is one that’s always ready for a challenge, at least that's what Coyne is betting on.
“I think our audience would forgive us for going out in the further regions of whatever we could think of,” Coyne says. “But I don’t think we’d be worthy of being forgiven if we didn’t do that. They’re giving us the freedom, the encouragement, the money and the time to say, ‘Go somewhere where no other band could go, and come back and tell us what it was like.’”
HOLY SHIT!!!!! One of my favorite albums of all time covered by a band a happen to quite enjoy. I don't know about you but I'm ecstatic.
In other news, this isn't the first time Dark Side has been covered in it's entirety. A few years ago the reggae band the Easy Star All stars released "Dub Side of the Moon", a reggae/dub reinvention of Pink Floyd's masterpiece. Very cool and if you have never heard it, check it out.
Dub Side
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