Gucci Mane Cold War 10.17

Tonight, October 17th,(10/17) at 10:17 Gucci Mane done gone and released 3 new mixtapes.

That's right THREE.

This 3 mixtape series is called "The Cold War" and each tape, put together by a different DJ "represents" a different country. We've got DJ Drama with Guccimerica, DJ Holiday with Brrrussia, and DJ Scream with Great Brrritain.

Oh yeah and why all the 10/17 stuff? 1017 was the name of the apartment building where Gucci grew up as well as the name of his new label.

I'm not even really a Guc fan but this is insane. Dude be floodin' the streets. Check em out after the jump aaaaaaawwwwwfffffffffffffff.

Git em.



Great Brrritain

(Thanks Nah Right for the album covers and DJ Drama for the links)