Ropeadope Design Collective Round 2

Ropeadope Records' "Ropeadope Design Collective" returns with a brand new lineup of 8 new T-shirts~!!!!

T-shirts include designs from:

wotto (a personal favorite)
Mike Friedrich
Yema Yema
Jamie Marshall
Harry Gordon

Check out a few of my favorites below:

Catch the rest of the Ropeadope goodness HERE and HERE

Ah, Synths!

Check that shit out.

Conan's Back!

Damn it's been a minuet! I'm back, Conan's back, thought it was appropriate to post a little something.

I caught Conan O'Brien's first show back/new show on TBS the other night. It was pretty good as new shows go, considering it's not REALLY a new show. He pretty much picked up right where he left off and everything went smoothly, nothing crazy new and inspiring but it was pretty good i suppose.

Ummmmm. Well that's about it.

That was really weak.

So now go check out Carlton Banks bustin' serious moves.


*originally posted on "What's Protocol?*

So over the last year (?) or so cassette tapes have been making a comeback, mainly throughout the indie music scene. I’ve been thinking about this a bit lately, trying to understand why the audio format most widely accepted as the WORST ever has had a resurgence, so I did a little internet browsing. Apparently some companies have been putting out tapes due to the elderly population never upgrading to CDs, but that isn’t exactly the demographic I was thinking about.

Another article quotes someone as saying “tapes are great because they have a really nice warm and fuzzy sound.” That “warm fuzzy sound” is the tape hiss that drove audiophiles crazy and assisted people in NOT wanting to listen to them, but I do get what the quoted meant. Tapes just had/have this unique character to them, in both the tangible cassette and their sound quality. Additionally, they posses a sort of nostalgia that has become increasing popular among hipsters and independent music (actually maybe all of music). Anyway, it’s my belief that tapes completely fit the mold of this current shift to nostalgia. Polaroids, fanny packs, retro this and that, cassette tapes…it just makes sense.

Additionally, tapes fit into the DIY (do-it-yourself) state that the music industry has turned towards. Think about it, a garage band or bedroom producer creating music at their house probably can’t afford that great of equipment (or at least that’s the image of it anyway) so if they are working with dated equipment, and have a throwback band/artist image, putting something out on a tape fits right in with their antiquated mold. Another article mentions the fact that many touring bands drive older vans with tape decks, while some of their fans have shitty cars with decks in them as well. So these bands can trade and sell tapes among their peers, which also makes sense.

To be honest, before looking into this at all, I thought this was pretty lame and just another retro gimmick, but after I thought about it I changed my mind and happen to think it’s actually pretty cool. I’m already a big fan of vinyl and have been collecting old (and some new) records for about 2 years, and a do like “retro” things quite a bit (especially sneakers) so I guess I can accept the idea of tapes being put out as well. Now I just need a taper player….

*And you know, speaking of the whole nostalgia thing, I can remember when I used to make radio mixtapes of my favorite songs on the nightly “Hot 9 at 9″ countdown on 98.5KRZ. Those were the days*

LS MGMT TaLkiNG hEaD AnnouncemenT

This memo was recently released, I figured I'd post it due to its dire importance.

LS Talking Head Announcement #1 by LaserSex


Yall prolly already heard this one already but this shit goes HARD

Git em Rawss
Git em Ye'
Git em Jay
Git em Nikki!
Git em Bon (haha)

"That Guy" Of The Day

Hey look at that guy!
"What guy?"
That guy!

THAT GUY, young Paul Bearer, before he met The Undertaker

"Ohhhhhhhhh yessssssss yesssssssssss, Hiiim!"

A Little Backyard Baseball

It's always baseball season for these guys....

(Check out my other drawings )

A Big Gigantic Signal Path !!!!!!!

Kind of strange (maybe not?) but awesome news, two great electronic groups have dropped FREE albums today!

Check them out below: (click the links to download)

Big Gigantic.

Signal Path.
<a href="">This Life Is A Mist by Signal Path</a>

Imaginary Lines Cover Art

School? HA!

A lot of my college friends have gone back to school this week and the last few weeks.

Kind of weird that I'm not going back, but I can't say that I'm too upset about it. I WILL miss my friends and those wild first weekend parties though and I DO plan on making a few trips back in the not too distant future.

Bloggin' - I'm back !!!!!!!!

Let me tell you. I miss putting up my stupid little pictures, my "witty" little comments, my new music and old music posts, my "that guy" of the day, and all the other random nonesense I put on here.

I've been really busy lately and haven't had the time to upkeep this site. If not for anyone elses' enjoyment but my own, I really do miss it.

I guess I should explain what's been going on. Sure. Why not?

Welp, I graduated college and after not knowing what the hell else to do, I figured I would move home and try and save up some money. So after a few weeks of sitting around thinking of what kind of job to get (because like an asshole I hadn't been looking for jobs before I graduated..although I must say I had an internship that continued on after I graduated so I was focused on that...and of course getting the HELL out of school).

So, after sitting around planning on getting some terrible job at a restaurant or something I thought I'd try to do something at least relatively related to my interests. SO around the beginning of June I got a job at a local music venue. I dig music. Alot. So i wanted to be around it. I'm just a doorman/janitor/runner/whateverelsethey need. But hopefully I will start booking some shows, PLUS having this job has lead to some other good things happening as well (I'll get to that).

SO. I get this job, then I go on vacation for a week.

During that time I get a call from a fellow whom I was supposed to have a different internship with this Summer (and live in LA) but it fell through and did not work out. A long story short..I get offered another part time job, which I can do from my home during the day...and still work at the music venue at night/ occasionally when they need me for other things.

So most of my time has consisted of staring at a computer screen all day, then running off to the club, and then coming back to finish up my work from home.

Because I often want to throw my computer out the window, I haven't had the time to post much on this site.

BUT. I'm not finished!

So for the past 2 or so months I've been working a lot, saving up some money, doing pretty okay and staying busy but not really having any direction other than, as I said, saving up some money (which I guess is okay for now?)

BUT then! A friend I've known for a number of years contacted me, after I had shown a good deal of interest in his band and asked me to be his/their tour manager. Using some experience from my job at the music venue, and a term a new-found acquaintance from another band told me, I consider myself a sort of "Swiss Army knife/Janitor" - I do a little bit of everything, I got all the keys, I come in early, clean up, stay get the idea. I'm really enjoying this so far and I've got faith that we are going somewhere with this thing. Additionally, working at the venue has brought up a few opportunities for the band.

So as I said before, I've been busy. Which is kind of a first for me. I don't really know where exactly I'm heading right now but hopefully it's somewhere good. Anyway, I'm definitely up for the trip.

Here's to the future.

I am going to try and hopefully keep this updated a little more frequently.

For now, It's good to be back
-b Funk

Laser Sex

RDC: Ropeadope Design Collective

I finally got my shirts!

This design by Wotto is definitely my favorite... Trumpty Trump puts the DOPE in Ropeadope...haHA!


If you missed out this time around, the Ropeadope Design Collective will be having another go by the end of the Summer. Get updates from my boy Matt (head of the RDC).

W.K The Extra Terrestrial

Found this picture of Wiz Khalifia lookin' real E.T-like.
Anybody else see it....?

hahahahahahahah I think it's hilarious

Die Antwoord

Die Antwoord....this out of control South African electro-rave(?)-hip hop group has their first US release streaming over at Pitchfork.

Although a good amount of the time I don't know what the hell Ninja is saying, I happen to think it's pretty sick, dope, good, etc. So go listen to it.

I heard about them a few months back when I saw the video for the first single "Enter the Ninja"

Check that too.



Lazers Never Die


b Funkin' The Beach

Sorry about the lack of posts this past week. My family and I went on a little vacation to the Avalon this past week. Figured I'd go and enjoy the beach and ocean before they are completely ruined by this oil spill ridiculousness.

Oh well, I'm back in action. I need to regroup and you'll be getting some new posts soon.

-b Funk

Cupcake Hat


from Johnny Cupcakes

Ripoff Song of The Day #1

I wanted to do this a while back with a few other songs but I never did and now forget what most of them were.

Anyway, I know artists have influences and similarities and so forth and there are reoccurring musical themes throughout tons of music but I think it's fun to point out when you hear those similarities and influences.

Here's my first installment.

Australian band Cloud Control and Seattle based Fleet Foxes.

I mean outright RCRC LBL had this to say about the Austrialian band:

Like less-hairy, less-afraid-of-distortion version of Fleet Foxes, Sydney's Cloud Control have the innate ability to make you feel like you're in the woods, sitting cross-legged, painting your face with dirt and wondering why you live in a city and not out here, where things are slow and quiet and naturally beautiful.

Have yourselves a listen:




I see it as kind of a combination of the music and harmonies of "English House" and the singing style of "Oliver James"


New Kid Cudi Track

Here's some of that new new from Kid Cudder off album number 2 (dropping supposedly in September) "Man On The Moon II: The Legend Of Mr. Rager.

Song is titled" “Rev Of Ev" (Revolution Of Evolution).

Check it out here or here

Where you be for the revolution?

(thanks stupidDOPE and NahRight)

Thelonious Thursday

Enjoy a couple jazz tunes from Brother Thelonious .

Happy Thelonious Thursday!



Phil Lesh and Mike Gordon

I recently ( made a connection.

Phil Lesh (Grateful Dead) and Mike Gordon (Phish):

1.Both place bass.
2.Both are members of EXTREMELY influential jam bands.
3. Both are pretty goofy looking.

Who's funnier looking? I have to go with Gordo.

Young Phil

Old Phil

Young Mike

Old Mike

click to zoom

Haha, yeah I think Gordo wins.

Holy Fuck : Latin America

Check out this official video for Holy Fuck's "Latin America" off their new album "Latin".


Love these guys.

MMW @ Scranton Jazz Festival !!!!

Medeski Martin and Wood will be playing at this year's Jazz Festival in Scranton, PA.

Main Stage at the Radisson Hotel Indoor /Outdoor Amphitheater
Saturday, August 7


Hey thanks Scranton!

Aw Thanks Lotus!

Philly/Denver based Electro, Post-Rock, Jamband, Lotus was nice enough to put up some 2010 Live Selections for free! How nice!

Check em out

<a href="">3-Legged Workhorse by Lotus</a>

Hey You Over There...

Yeah that's right, bring it in for the real thing.

(Check out my other drawings)

Know what I love about Summer? #3
Jockomo Fee-Na Nay?

Maybe this doesn't even make any sense. Or maybe it makes perfect sense.

Happy Summer!

WAVVES : in the studio


Not sure why, but I'm super excited to hear the final outcome of this fellow/band WAVVES new album "King of the Beach". From what I've heard so far it sounds like it's going to be pretty interesting, PLUS the album art (above) is sick!

It's just kind of odd that I like this guy, I can't figure out why. I guess that's the beauty of music. (or maybe I have shitty taste in music?).

Here's a little in the studio video.

WAVVES @ SWEET TEA from Pete Ohs on Vimeo.

Also they begin a little North/Northeast Tour soon:

Jun 18

Lee’s Palace

Toronto, Ontario , CA

Jun 19

Yonge-Dundas Square

Toronto, Ontario , CA

Jun 20

Il Motore w/ Cloud Nothings

Montreal, Quebec , CA

Jun 21

Club Metronome

Burlington, VT

Jun 22

Great Scott w/ Cloud Nothings

Boston, MA

Jun 24

Knitting Factory

New York City, New York

Jun 25

Rock and Roll Hotel

Washington DC

Jun 26

The Barbary

Philadelphia, PA

Oh yeah, album drops August 3rd!


mortal_kombat_logo.png Mortal Kombat image by kakagt
FINISH HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anybody remember the 1995 Mortal Kombat movie? Now we've got a remake! Allright!

Man, I've spent many a day playing this game as a kid. You know all those debates about "violence in video games?" Well this was pretty much the game that started it all. After this game came out, the whole world went to shit; kids were upercutting their friend's heads off, knocking them off giant bridges onto death pits of spikes, shootin' rope-harpoons out of their arms at each other, freezing each other and zappin lighting at one another! Good God!

Fatalities 1

Fatalities 2

(thanks WhooHa)

New Tokyo Police Club Album

I don't know where I first heard about Tokyo Police Club, but I enjoyed their 2008 album "Elephant Shell" so I figured I would check out their newest, "Champ", which just came out a few days ago.

It's pretty good from what I've heard so far.

Check out this little sampler.

LCD Soundsystem : Drunk Girls

I always (well since I've known them) kinda dug LCD Soundsystem but it wasn't really until the release of their new album "This Is Happening" that I went back and really listened to their other stuff. And well, I enjoy it!

Check out the video for the fist single "Drunk Girls". James Murphy and the gang get completely abused (by sheep?) and it's hilarious!

Thanks Rick for reminding me about these guys.

Major Lazer + La Roux Present : "LAZERPROOF"

Lazerproof Cover Art

This came out a little while ago but I forgot about it. Check it.

<a href="">Bulletproof (Nacey Remix ft. Matt Hemerlein) by Mad Decent</a>

Wiz Khalifa : Mezmorized

Here's a lil sumpin' from the Wiz kid.


(thanks Nah Right)

Just Whistlin' Dixie

Know what I love about Summer? #2

Coupla Hadogs

There are very few things better than getting a good group of people around a campfire and just hangin'.

Here's a little nostalgia for all us 90s kids, a little "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". A bunch of kids, sittin' around a campfire telling ghost stories. Man, this show used to scare the hell out of me, especially the beginning sequence. Anyway, kind of reminds of of Summer.


"That Guy" of the Day

Hey, I'm here for the lifeguard position.
"Um...would you mind taking a drug test..?"

(that guy)