Gorilla Zoe: 28 Mixtapes in 28 Days


Well folks, February is almost over and i can not let the month end without mentioning this. Since the beginning of the month, hip hop artist Gorilla Zoe has been releasing a new mix-tape EVERY SINGLE DAY. That's right, 28 Mixtapes in 28 Days.

Each tape has at least 10 songs on them (or more). I'm not sure but there are possibly a few repeats on the tapes from days before but still, that's pretty damn impressive. Even if you don't like Zoe (he's not too bad), you have got to give him credit for this one. Also some of the tapes have some pretty creative and funny names like: Zoebama for President, I'm Zoe Good, You Don't Mess with the ZOE-han, and The Legend Of Zoe-Ro.

Check em out HERE

Keep doin' your thing Zoe.