Monotonix = Absolutely Insane (Band of the Week)

I recently heard about this band and decided to check them out. I don't know very much about them, other than they are from Tel Aviv, Israel and their live shows are absolutely ridicules. I would consider their sound a cross between Rage Against the Machine, Black Sabbath, and Wolfmother.

When they can, the band sets up (a minimal drum kit, and a guitar) on the ground floor of wherever they are playing and proceed to go completely ballistic, I'm talking ape-shit here. The singer runs,jumps, crashes, and climbs whatever structure or thing (human or not) in site.

John Lomax of the Houston Press had this to say about them:

"If there was a spectrum on which every shade of chaos was ranked hierarchically, you would have to peg a Monotonix show somewhere to the left of total, complete and utter mayhem. Maybe you could call it demented pandemonium."

"They have to be simultaneously the most physically fit and mentally deranged band I have ever seen, and already I have seen them three times. these shows are something beyond chaos. In fact, they are the perfect band for our time, the soundtrack and visual representation of a world that seems to be slipping out of control"

These guys are on tour now and I feel like it would be quite an experience to check them out. DO IT (and if you come back alive, let me know how it was).


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