Bloggin' - I'm back !!!!!!!!

Let me tell you. I miss putting up my stupid little pictures, my "witty" little comments, my new music and old music posts, my "that guy" of the day, and all the other random nonesense I put on here.

I've been really busy lately and haven't had the time to upkeep this site. If not for anyone elses' enjoyment but my own, I really do miss it.

I guess I should explain what's been going on. Sure. Why not?

Welp, I graduated college and after not knowing what the hell else to do, I figured I would move home and try and save up some money. So after a few weeks of sitting around thinking of what kind of job to get (because like an asshole I hadn't been looking for jobs before I graduated..although I must say I had an internship that continued on after I graduated so I was focused on that...and of course getting the HELL out of school).

So, after sitting around planning on getting some terrible job at a restaurant or something I thought I'd try to do something at least relatively related to my interests. SO around the beginning of June I got a job at a local music venue. I dig music. Alot. So i wanted to be around it. I'm just a doorman/janitor/runner/whateverelsethey need. But hopefully I will start booking some shows, PLUS having this job has lead to some other good things happening as well (I'll get to that).

SO. I get this job, then I go on vacation for a week.

During that time I get a call from a fellow whom I was supposed to have a different internship with this Summer (and live in LA) but it fell through and did not work out. A long story short..I get offered another part time job, which I can do from my home during the day...and still work at the music venue at night/ occasionally when they need me for other things.

So most of my time has consisted of staring at a computer screen all day, then running off to the club, and then coming back to finish up my work from home.

Because I often want to throw my computer out the window, I haven't had the time to post much on this site.

BUT. I'm not finished!

So for the past 2 or so months I've been working a lot, saving up some money, doing pretty okay and staying busy but not really having any direction other than, as I said, saving up some money (which I guess is okay for now?)

BUT then! A friend I've known for a number of years contacted me, after I had shown a good deal of interest in his band and asked me to be his/their tour manager. Using some experience from my job at the music venue, and a term a new-found acquaintance from another band told me, I consider myself a sort of "Swiss Army knife/Janitor" - I do a little bit of everything, I got all the keys, I come in early, clean up, stay get the idea. I'm really enjoying this so far and I've got faith that we are going somewhere with this thing. Additionally, working at the venue has brought up a few opportunities for the band.

So as I said before, I've been busy. Which is kind of a first for me. I don't really know where exactly I'm heading right now but hopefully it's somewhere good. Anyway, I'm definitely up for the trip.

Here's to the future.

I am going to try and hopefully keep this updated a little more frequently.

For now, It's good to be back
-b Funk