

Finally saw the super-hyped about Avatar movie (in 3D!!!) last night. James Cameron essentially ripped off the entire Pocahontas story (thanks Alice)...just with aliens.

Let me lay it down for you:

Na'vi (aka Native Americans, Indians, "different" people) have something (precious mineral in the movie, LAND in real life) that the "Sky People" (aka 'Merika!!! aka Earthlings, aka Colonists) want.

Na'vi (Native Americans) are one with the land and don't want to give it up. So, the Sky People (colonists) send a guy (Jake Sully as an Avatar in the movie, John Smith (right?) in real life.) to infiltrate the people's village, learn their culture, and take advantage of them.

Of course that doesn't go as planned and there is a big war and lots of people are killed. BUT unlike in real life, and Pocahontas, the aliens win!!! So it's not really the same at all right?

Now my little rant might make you think I didn't enjoy the movie. Not true.

It's visually awesome and wild and stunning and cool. And absolutely worth seeing! Now that doesn't mean I agree with spending
237 million dollars to make a movie while our country is in a recession but, I guess someone needs to figure out ways for people to make and spend money. Entertainment is the way to go! (Really though, we don't NEED it, but it makes people happy and gives them something to do)

Go see it!
Okay bye.

-b Funk
