Ripoff Song of The Day #1

I wanted to do this a while back with a few other songs but I never did and now forget what most of them were.

Anyway, I know artists have influences and similarities and so forth and there are reoccurring musical themes throughout tons of music but I think it's fun to point out when you hear those similarities and influences.

Here's my first installment.

Australian band Cloud Control and Seattle based Fleet Foxes.

I mean outright RCRC LBL had this to say about the Austrialian band:

Like less-hairy, less-afraid-of-distortion version of Fleet Foxes, Sydney's Cloud Control have the innate ability to make you feel like you're in the woods, sitting cross-legged, painting your face with dirt and wondering why you live in a city and not out here, where things are slow and quiet and naturally beautiful.

Have yourselves a listen:




I see it as kind of a combination of the music and harmonies of "English House" and the singing style of "Oliver James"
