b Funkin' The Beach

Sorry about the lack of posts this past week. My family and I went on a little vacation to the Avalon this past week. Figured I'd go and enjoy the beach and ocean before they are completely ruined by this oil spill ridiculousness.

Oh well, I'm back in action. I need to regroup and you'll be getting some new posts soon.

-b Funk

Cupcake Hat


from Johnny Cupcakes

Ripoff Song of The Day #1


I wanted to do this a while back with a few other songs but I never did and now forget what most of them were.

Anyway, I know artists have influences and similarities and so forth and there are reoccurring musical themes throughout tons of music but I think it's fun to point out when you hear those similarities and influences.

Here's my first installment.

Australian band Cloud Control and Seattle based Fleet Foxes.

I mean outright RCRC LBL had this to say about the Austrialian band:

Like less-hairy, less-afraid-of-distortion version of Fleet Foxes, Sydney's Cloud Control have the innate ability to make you feel like you're in the woods, sitting cross-legged, painting your face with dirt and wondering why you live in a city and not out here, where things are slow and quiet and naturally beautiful.

Have yourselves a listen:




I see it as kind of a combination of the music and harmonies of "English House" and the singing style of "Oliver James"


New Kid Cudi Track

Here's some of that new new from Kid Cudder off album number 2 (dropping supposedly in September) "Man On The Moon II: The Legend Of Mr. Rager.

Song is titled" “Rev Of Ev" (Revolution Of Evolution).

Check it out here or here

Where you be for the revolution?

(thanks stupidDOPE and NahRight)

Thelonious Thursday


Enjoy a couple jazz tunes from Brother Thelonious .

Happy Thelonious Thursday!



Phil Lesh and Mike Gordon


I recently (like..today) made a connection.

Phil Lesh (Grateful Dead) and Mike Gordon (Phish):

1.Both place bass.
2.Both are members of EXTREMELY influential jam bands.
3. Both are pretty goofy looking.

Who's funnier looking? I have to go with Gordo.

Young Phil

Old Phil

Young Mike

Old Mike

click to zoom

Haha, yeah I think Gordo wins.

Holy Fuck : Latin America


Check out this official video for Holy Fuck's "Latin America" off their new album "Latin".


Love these guys.

MMW @ Scranton Jazz Festival !!!!


Medeski Martin and Wood will be playing at this year's Jazz Festival in Scranton, PA.

Main Stage at the Radisson Hotel Indoor /Outdoor Amphitheater
Saturday, August 7


Hey thanks Scranton!

Aw Thanks Lotus!


Philly/Denver based Electro, Post-Rock, Jamband, Lotus was nice enough to put up some 2010 Live Selections for free! How nice!

Check em out

<a href="http://lotusvibes.bandcamp.com/album/2010-live-selections">3-Legged Workhorse by Lotus</a>

Hey You Over There...

Yeah that's right, bring it in for the real thing.

(Check out my other drawings)

Know what I love about Summer? #3

Jockomo Fee-Na Nay?

Maybe this doesn't even make any sense. Or maybe it makes perfect sense.

Happy Summer!

WAVVES : in the studio


Not sure why, but I'm super excited to hear the final outcome of this fellow/band WAVVES new album "King of the Beach". From what I've heard so far it sounds like it's going to be pretty interesting, PLUS the album art (above) is sick!

It's just kind of odd that I like this guy, I can't figure out why. I guess that's the beauty of music. (or maybe I have shitty taste in music?).

Here's a little in the studio video.

WAVVES @ SWEET TEA from Pete Ohs on Vimeo.

Also they begin a little North/Northeast Tour soon:

Jun 18

Lee’s Palace

Toronto, Ontario , CA

Jun 19

Yonge-Dundas Square

Toronto, Ontario , CA

Jun 20

Il Motore w/ Cloud Nothings

Montreal, Quebec , CA

Jun 21

Club Metronome

Burlington, VT

Jun 22

Great Scott w/ Cloud Nothings

Boston, MA

Jun 24

Knitting Factory

New York City, New York

Jun 25

Rock and Roll Hotel

Washington DC

Jun 26

The Barbary

Philadelphia, PA

Oh yeah, album drops August 3rd!


mortal_kombat_logo.png Mortal Kombat image by kakagt
FINISH HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anybody remember the 1995 Mortal Kombat movie? Now we've got a remake! Allright!

Man, I've spent many a day playing this game as a kid. You know all those debates about "violence in video games?" Well this was pretty much the game that started it all. After this game came out, the whole world went to shit; kids were upercutting their friend's heads off, knocking them off giant bridges onto death pits of spikes, shootin' rope-harpoons out of their arms at each other, freezing each other and zappin lighting at one another! Good God!

Fatalities 1

Fatalities 2

(thanks WhooHa)

New Tokyo Police Club Album


I don't know where I first heard about Tokyo Police Club, but I enjoyed their 2008 album "Elephant Shell" so I figured I would check out their newest, "Champ", which just came out a few days ago.

It's pretty good from what I've heard so far.

Check out this little sampler.

LCD Soundsystem : Drunk Girls

I always (well since I've known them) kinda dug LCD Soundsystem but it wasn't really until the release of their new album "This Is Happening" that I went back and really listened to their other stuff. And well, I enjoy it!

Check out the video for the fist single "Drunk Girls". James Murphy and the gang get completely abused (by sheep?) and it's hilarious!

Thanks Rick for reminding me about these guys.

Major Lazer + La Roux Present : "LAZERPROOF"

Lazerproof Cover Art

This came out a little while ago but I forgot about it. Check it.

<a href="http://maddecent.bandcamp.com/album/lazerproof">Bulletproof (Nacey Remix ft. Matt Hemerlein) by Mad Decent</a>

Wiz Khalifa : Mezmorized


Here's a lil sumpin' from the Wiz kid.


(thanks Nah Right)

Just Whistlin' Dixie

Know what I love about Summer? #2


CAMPFIRES !http://s3.amazonaws.com/readers/2009/04/05/campfire4213_1.jpg
Coupla Hadogs

There are very few things better than getting a good group of people around a campfire and just hangin'.

Here's a little nostalgia for all us 90s kids, a little "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". A bunch of kids, sittin' around a campfire telling ghost stories. Man, this show used to scare the hell out of me, especially the beginning sequence. Anyway, kind of reminds of of Summer.


"That Guy" of the Day

Hey, I'm here for the lifeguard position.
"Um...would you mind taking a drug test..?"

(that guy)

Dutch Record Release Show (Stoupe of JMT)

Event Photo

If you are in Philly this Tuesday night check out Stoupe of Jedi Mind Tricks' side project with singer Liz Fullerton entitled "Dutch"

They are having a record release show at the Kung Fu Necktie (a sweet place if you've never been there).

Here's the low down:

Tue, June 8, 2010
8:00 pm

Know what I love about Summer? #1


It's Fuckin' Delicious!
Sweet Melon-Kicks
I mean, look at this little tyke gettin' lost in those melons!http://becauseitreallyispersonal.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/watermelon-sm.jpg https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhi3WqT81CWCkr_gFxhHqusEYvLsaBWE3G-uxn0y47WTwgUC_Hi3pukUyVl_M1hq-9u0nWHYCIA5U7ZODV3PO2Vt7DXH-cY2PLeu2aaAQnarsWjEBeaSQSeNtPcuSd0YHyCVW16mkk8f2cV/s400/Baby+eating+watermelon.jpg
Big ole' pair of melons

Okay I realize this post got progressively dirty as it went on. That wasn't my original intention. I really do love watermelon.

Happy Summer!

SELECTOR: Big Boi Freestyle over Crystal Castles

Keeping in the vein of my previous post, here's a little video from Pitchfork TV's SELECTOR series in which a rapper picks between two beats and then BUSTS A FREE ALL OVER IT!!!! (sounds kinda gross). Anyway, very cool idea.

Not the best freestyle ever but I Dig Big Boi, Dig Outkast, Dig Crystal Castles so it's "right up my ally".

Give it a little check-eye.


Friday Freakout : Crystal Castles



I don't know what it is that I love about these guy(s) (and gal). It must be the perfect mix of electronic groovey-ness, computerglitches, straightup fuzz, and pure freakout prowess of Alice Glass.

(Thanks Tommy for hippin me)

Alice Practice (just don't go and have a seizure)


Courtship Dating (official video)

"That Guy" of the Day


Hey look at that guy.....er...uh....?

iPhone Rant (They Terk errr JERBBS!!)


Over two years ago I wrote a hypothetical paper about "An Ultimate Mobile Device, in a Completely Ubiquitous Environment”. During this time, the iPhone had been out barely under a year and all of its' aps were just sort of getting underway.

Now, two years later, more than half of the shit I "made up" in my paper has actually come into existence. Now I'm not saying I thought of all this before anybody else but I swear every time I think of a good idea and don't act on it, somebody else ends up doing it.

If you've got the time, read this. (below) and let me know if I'm crazy or not.

Mobile Media
May 1, 2008

“Further Research: An Ultimate Mobile Device, in a Completely Ubiquitous Environment”


The cell phone, the i-pod, the digital camera, the navigation system, the portable dvd player, the PDA, and the mobile gaming device. All of these various devices, among others are used on a daily basis by millions of people around the world everyday. They are used by so many and so often that many consider them integral parts of their daily lives. Some people have one, two or even three of these devices while other may have each individual device. Even more so, some of these devices have converged over the last years and one single device may be an array of different gadgets. For example, one device with its primary function as a cell phone can also be a media player, as well as a camera.

The problem at hand though is that more often than not, the other utilities of these multi-functioned devices are lacking in their quality compared to a device with a single function. Some examples of these lacking utilities are: the poor quality of the many camera and video phones, the lack off storage space on a number of devices, the difficultly in text messaging on certain devices, and the difficulty in navigating to certain functions such as music players or internet capabilities. The existence of these problems does not come as too much of a shock though, because certain companies are on the market to create top quality devices with one particular function. But if possible why wouldn’t one company try to create a single “ultimate” mobile device with superior multifunctional capabilities? Furthermore, as technology increases how would a specific device such as this function in the completely mediated (ubiquitous) environments of tomorrow?


The following report will take a further, more in depth look at the multifunctional “ultimate” mobile media device introduced in the previous position paper. Also further examined will be how this ultimate device would interact, as well as be useful in a mediated “smart” environment containing elements of both ubiquitous (ubicomp) and tangible computing. Additional information will also be provided about some technologies and advancements that have been made over the last several years in the computing technology fields that can possibly help to facilitate the ubiquitous environments being discussed.

Even though the idea of ubiquitous computing has been around since 1988 when Mark Weiser coined the term and there are a good deal of articles, reports, and research going into ubicomp, the advancements in this particular field have been somewhat slow because of the complexity of all that is involved in creating these environments. There is further current research going on in a number of countries including Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Japan, Korea, and the US and as the computer technologies available to us are increasing there is progress being made. On account of these impediments, the ideas and information given in regards to the ubiquitous environments will be based mostly upon a working knowledge of the area as well as personal imaginative and creative ideas. Although, due to the extended investigation done, there will be some additional information provided from a number of different research sources including the ideas of Mark Weiser, Intel, Fujitsu, Palo Alto Research Center, Eaton, and other researchers as well.

Look and Functionality of the Device

Cell phones and other mobile media devices have come a long way, but in the future they will go even further. A key function of ubiquitous computing is the idea of the “disappearing computer”, which means that the technology is more so integrated into the background so that an individual’s main tasks can be in the foreground. Taking into account this idea, the mobile device will also try and “blend in with” its environment and because of that its name will be “The Chameleon”. It will have a smooth, sleek, but also strong (not clunky) look to it and come in varieties of different colors to fit anyone’s personal style. Keeping in mind its name, The Chameleon will be waterproof and more durable than modern mobile devices, as many people can vouch for having broken their phones or media players due to accidental drops or water incidents.

As for functionality, this device will integrate all the utilities of modern mobile media devices but it will also expand on them and add much more. This is one of the key ideas of the device as a whole; it integrates all modern electronic mobile devices into one, which eliminates the hassle of having multiple devices for a different tasks. It will have no “primary function” because all of its utilities will be of superior quality and work seamlessly together so that no one function will out weigh the others. Although depending on the individual, certain functions of device will be used more than others. The basic functions of The Chameleon will be a cellular phone with a video calling function, a digital camera/camcorder, a music, movie, and live television player, a navigation device with GPS, a portable HD gaming system, and a wifi wireless internet device with full high speed internet capabilities. Also included with the device will be wireless ear phones that double as a sort of Bluetooth headset as well as a docking station which also charges the device (more will be discussed about this docking station in a later section). Many of these functionalities will be accessible through voice activated commands as well. Because the storage capacity of hard drives is rising nearly every two years while their sizes are decreasing, all of the programs, functions, data, and information will be stored on an internal hard drive with not gigabytes but terabytes of storage space.

As stated above, this device will also contain some functions that are original to most of, if not all other mobile devices. One such aspect will be this device’s ability to function as an external portable hard drive such as the current flash drives of today. Upon entering a workspace with a computer the device will wirelessly sync up to it (granted it has not been restricted by privacy settings) and a user will be able to transfer or save data onto the device just as one would with a normal hard drive.

Another positive function of this device is its ability to facilitate social interaction. One such aspect is the video calling function. Prior to a phone call a user can select the “video call” function on The Chamelon, which will let the user be visible on the other user’s device and vice versa, as they speak. This will be a positive feature for users speaking together from far distances or users who have not seen one for a long time. Although, privacy is often a main concern in regards to being seen while making a call. If a user wishes not to be seen they can simply deny the “video call” request and engage in a regular phone conversation.

It is also possible that in the future The Chameleon will contain various health and wellness applications as well. There will be a health alert system integrated into the device for users with certain medical conditions or electronic aids, such as pace makers, hearing aids, ect. If there is a malfunction with the device or something happens to the user, The Chameleon will set off an alert that can go out to 911. An alert will also be sent to selected users on a special contact list which notifies the location of the user and indicates there is a problem. Another health implication is that The Chameleon will have a touch screen that when a user holds and presses their thumb on it, their heart rate, pulse, and other vital signs will be displayed on the device. There can also be a function that will record calories lost or distance ran after indicating user specific information such as weight,age, ect. This function can be very useful to users while dieting, lifting weights, or exercising.

The Chameleon will also take full advantage of the fact that by 2009 all television will be broadcasted in high definition. On account of this, its main front and inner video screens will both be HD and the device will have the ability to stream as well as store (like TiVo) live television programs. The gaming on The Chameleon will also be superior HD quality and through Bluetooth or wifi internet a user will be able to play multiplayer games with other users, which further facilitates social interaction. Because this device will exist in a ubiquitous environment it will also have the ability to connect wirelessly to a television set and either play games, listen to music, or watch the stored movies or programs on a larger screen while still using the device to control the functions.

Introducing some of these basic functions gives only a small incite into what The Chameleon will be capable of. To further understand its other capabilities one must get a general understanding of what the ubiquitous environments the device will function in will be like.

Ubiquitous Environments

In 1993 Mark Weiser, the “father of ubiquitous computing” described ubicomp as a type of computing:

In which each person is continually interacting with hundreds of nearby wirelessly interconnected computers. The point is to achieve the most effective kind of technology, that which is essentially invisible to the user. To bring computers to this point while retaining their power will require radically new kinds of computers of all sizes and shapes to be available to each person (Weiser 1993).

This quote perfectly explains the idea as well as the basic technology of ubiquitous computing. Through ubiquitous computing, computers, sensors, scanners, wifi and even RFID tags and other similar technologies will all be integrated into our current everyday environments. These technologies will create a smooth and seamless interaction between physical objects and computers so that there is little distinction between the two. According to Mark Singer, in his news article, “Ubiquitous Computing Research Spreads” which discusses the joint efforts of electronics company Fujitsu and the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC):

The idea is that almost any device (clothing, tools, appliances, cars, homes, the human body and your coffee mug) can be embedded with chips to connect it to an infinite network of other devices. The goal of ubiquitous computing is to create an environment where those devices are embedded in such a way that the connection to the greater Internet is unobtrusive and always available. Researchers said they will combine the vast array of current network technologies with wireless computing, voice recognition, Internet capability and artificial intelligence into one architecture (Singer 2004).

The Chameleon will be somewhat of a tool to help individuals navigate through, as well as make use of these ubiquitous environments to their fullest extent. Even though there is a general clarity of the concept of ubicomp, the working and technologies behind it are rather complex and complicated. According to the research of the Intel Corporation:

To make ubiquitous computing a reality will require the collaboration of researchers in a broad range of disciplines, within computer science and beyond. Intel’s ubiquitous computing research team includes experts in hardware design, systems, networking; signal processing, machine learning, human-computer interface (HCI), and social sciences (Ubiquitous Computing Research 2005).

Such application and research aspects include: “Embedded Hardware and Systems, Ubiquitous Networking and Intelligent Services, Interaction and Intelligent Management, Embedded Software and Intelligence, Smart Objects and Environments, and Context-aware Computing” (Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence). All of these applications, as well as even more are critical to the success of the future of ubiquitous computing.

One such example of a technological advancement that can contribute greatly to the field of ubicomp is the research being done on “extremely high radio frequencies (RF) to achieve broad bandwidth and high data transmission rates over short distances” by scientists in the Georgia Electronic Design Center (GEDC) at Georgia Tech (Georgia Institute of Technology). According to Prof. Joy Laskar who is one of the directors of the GEDC, the goal of the research is “to maximize data throughput to make possible a host of new wireless applications for home and office connectivity”. Also explained in the article is the idea that, “Devices such as external hard drives, laptop computers, MP-3 players, cell phones, commercial kiosks and others could transfer huge amounts of data in seconds. And data centers could install racks of servers without the customary jumble of wires (Georgia Institute of Technology). These developments in the field of high speed, peer-to-peer data connections are believed to be “right around the corner” and Professor Laskar believes, “The promise of multi-gigabit wireless is tremendous. The combination of short-range functionality and enormous bandwidth makes possible a whole range of consumer and business applications that promise great utility” (Georgia Institute of Technology). This technology is certainly another positive move in the field of ubiquitous computing as a whole because it harkens back to the original ideas of Mark Weiser and his “disappearing computer” explanation. To end this section I would like to use another quote of Weiser that further explains his ideas about ubicomp as well as the “disappearing computer”. In his 1993 article The World is Not a Desktop Weiser commented:

I think the value of invisibility is generally understood. Unfortunately, our common metaphors for computer interaction lead us away from the invisible tool, and towards making the tool the center of attention… The clock, and the clockwork machine, are the metaphors of the past several hundred years of technology. Invisible technology needs a metaphor that reminds us of the value of invisibility, but does not make it visible. I propose childhood: playful, a building of foundations, constant learning, a bit mysterious and quickly forgotten by adults. Our computers should be like our childhood: an invisible foundation that is quickly forgotten but always with us, and effortlessly used throughout our lives (Weiser 1993).

Using the Device in a Ubiquitous Environment

The research done by the Intel Corporate provides a few different contexts for how a device may function in a ubiquitous environment. These contexts are as follows:

  • A factory technician, hired to bring an old manufacturing facility up to spec, is conducting a site visit. As he walks through the unfamiliar production floor, the screen of his personal digital assistant (PDA) lights up with manuals and notes from previous technicians about the idiosyncrasies of the various machines he passes.
  • While visiting a dozen key stores across the country, the national sales manager of a major retail chain uses her cell phone to take photos at each location. At the end of her trip, she presses a key on her notebook computer, and the photos appear on a Web page wirelessly transmitted from her cell phone.
  • A graduate student wanders through a university campus. As he passes the chemistry building, his PDA screen shows that his favorite professor is scheduled to deliver a public presentation in room 405 later that day. He adds the item to his calendar.

There are certainly other contexts and situations in which The Chameleon, or any other ubicomp device can be applicable to, but for the time being only a few more of them will be further discussed in more detail. The main focuses will be on the home, the car/ commute, and an entertainment setting such as a restaurant.

Imagine the modern day home transformed into a completely ubiquitous environment with The Chameleon being an integral piece to that environment. The docking station that comes with this device is a sort of hub that may control several different functions of the home from one location. Initially this station is used to sync The Chameleon with the other ubicomp elements of the home but after going through this process, a user is free to roam their home environment freely without having to be tied down to one room. Some possible examples of functions that this device may be able to control are: room temperatures, light timers or settings, locking/unlocking electronic doors, or house alerts (such as a doorbell, the arrival of mail, or security issues). If a user leaves their house and forgets to lock their door or shut off a certain appliance, they can check the status of their home electronics from The Chameleon. With the device they will be able to turn them off (or on) and even lock their doors. This function/technology in particular has actually become available in a somewhat similar device. The Eaton Corporation has created a home awareness system known as the “Home Heartbeat System” which is made up of three basic components, a base station, the Home Key device, and sensors. The base station is a wireless relay system that takes information from the different sensors set up in the house and sends information to the Home Key device. The Home Key is the basic control for the different sensors and the sensors themselves monitor the status of the home. The Eaton Corporation explains that, “Most home security systems drive people crazy more than they drive away bad guys” But “Home Heartbeat is different. For starters, it’s all about home awareness rather than just security or automation. With Home Heartbeat, you can intervene before disaster strikes (Eaton Home Heartbeat). The product’s description further states that:

Small, wireless sensors monitor the pulse of your house. If something’s amiss, the system alerts you — the person who cares most about your home, not someone at a call center halfway around the world. When you’re away from home, Home Heartbeat automatically detects your absence, elevates the system’s awareness, and can send messages straight to your cell phone (Eaton Home Heartbeat).

This device certainly demonstrates the strides being made as well as the many opportunities in which ubiquitous computing and sensors can be integrated into an everyday home environment. In these ubiquitous environments nearly everything will have sensors and computers in them, from walls, mirrors, to even books on a shelf. Another function of The Chameleon will be its ability to scan a particular book, newspaper, or magazine and then download its contents onto the device for future reading on the device or even uploading to a computer. This can be useful if an individual is searching for a specific chapter or section for research or pleasure and they do not need the whole book.

A second context in which The Chameleon can be extremely useful is in a car. Upon entering a vehicle this device will almost immediately sync up to the car’s sound system and any song held on the device will be able to be played through the system. The device will also be able to receive cell phone calls through the car’s sound system so that the driver will not be distracted while searching for their phone. Also if the car has video monitors in it, a user will be able to play the stored games, movies, or programs through those as well. Once a user is out of the car all they need to do is put the ear phones back in their ears, press play, and whatever song or video that was playing through the car will start right back up where it left off inside the car. If a call comes in while the device’s music/video function is playing it will simply pause, a ring will come in and if the user wishes he can simply (by using the voice activation commands) say “answer call” and the call will be synced through the car’s speakers. The Chameleon’s navigation system can also be a huge help when traveling in unfamiliar territories. Because of its global positioning system, the device will provide the best known directions possible. It will also provide the user with traffic and weather reports that may conflict with their travels. For example, if there is an accident that will disturb the current traveling route, The Chameleon will send an alert as well as reconfigure a possible alternate route to take.

The final context that will be discussed is an entertainment setting, such as a coffee shop or a restaurant. This final context will illustrate some more of the ways that The Chameleon is a positive facilitator of social interaction. If a user contacts a friend who is at a location the user does not know how to get and the friend also has The Chameleon they can coordinate a meeting at the designated area through the device’s navigation system. The device will have a locate contact function, which can be disabled if a user does not wish to be found be a requesting contact. While the user is on their way, it may be possible for them to preorder a drink or meal from the location before they get there through a wireless restaurant service. Another possibility is that a user is sent coupons or advertisements from specific stores or restaurants that the user has been to before or has subscribed to. On his way the user gets an alert saying that another one of his contacts is in the same general area as he is, and he calls that person to ask if they wish to join. Certainly privacy is a big issue in this context because users would not always want others to know of their location. In that case there will be a simple “invisible” setting that can be turned on that will disable the location alerts and give a user their desired privacy. After entering the location and eating, drinking, conversing with their friend the user will be able to pay their bill electronically with their mobile device just as they would a credit card. If the user had a coupon or rebate on their device, this would be deducted from the final bill. This creates less of a hassle that often arises in busy restaurants, bars, and cafes.

There are hundreds of different contexts, functions, and services that can be thought of, discussed, and explained for the use of this device but the purpose of this study was simply to lay out a general premise of an ultimate mobile device, explain some of the technology and research behind ubiquitous computing as well as introduce some basic contexts that the device could be used in a ubiquitous environment.


With some of these ideas and contexts in mind, The Chameleon is not only an ultimate mobile media device that fixes the hassle of having multiple devices for specific tasks, but also a sort of universal remote control, able to control an entire ubiquitous environment. Although all of these ideas are not yet entirely possible with our current technology, it may be possible that one day, some or maybe even all of these ideas presented will actually become a reality. Despite that, without the combined integration and smooth running of all of these different technologies that are being created and improved on, ubiquitous computing will not be functional on a national or world-wide scale. Only time will tell what the future may hold but if the creative minds of our world continue working, progressing, and moving forward in their new ideas and technologies, there is certainly a bright hope for further advancements in the field of ubiquitous computing.

They Took Err Jerrbs!!!

How To Destroy Angels: Free EP Download


Cool Kids: Tacklebox Download


The fishin's nice this time of year. Grab yer pole (haha), a few beers, and don't forget your Tacklebox.