Charles Hamilton/ J Dilla

I don't believe this. Earlier this week, rapper Charles Hamilton released the cover to his upcoming album, "This Perfect Life" which caused a huge uproar in the hip hop community due to the fact that the legendary, late great producer J Dilla was credited as the album's executive producer (as his real name James Yancey). According to Hamilton, he has a "strictly paranormal" relationship with Dilla and was highly influenced by his ghost or some nonsense. I guess in a way I can understand why he decided to give J Dilla credit for his inspiration, which can be looked at as paying homage and showing respect. BUT, there is more to it.

Apparently he also lied about speaking to Dilla's mother, family, and others that knew him. He also said he would give all proceeds from the album to Dilla's estate. The problem with that? The album is FREE. Damn homie, come on. I realize he is a kid and probably doesn't see the wrong in this but still, don't lie man, the truth will come out.

Check out Detroit DJ House Shoes speaking about the whole matter here

Anyway, this isn't the first time Charles the Hamilton has failed. Check out some more of his misteps HERE. Too bad the dude's actually talented though. Mannnnn.

If you are as frustrated as I am about this, check out this video of him getting socked in the face by a girl!