Night of the Living Dead

I've got a little Halloween Treat for you all. I present the 1968 zombie horror classic, George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead



Happy Halloween
everybody. I hope you all enjoy the day and more importantly the night.

-b Funk

Foghat Friday

Ohhh yeah!!!

It's Friday. But it's not just any Friday, it's Foghat Friday It's almost Halloween, the Phillies are in the World Series and there are a lot of things to be happy about. So why don't you all relax, hang out, maybe take a slow ride. Or on the other hand you can get completely buck wild out of control and rage out. Anyway, enjoy the weekend everybody, with whatever you choose to do with it.

Yo Slick

Phish Festival 8

Starting today, October 30th, through November 1st is Phish's Festival 8 !!!!!

I'm personally excited to see which full album cover they will be performing on Halloween night. As of right now, on the Halloween Set page of the festival, the only albums left "alive" are: Jimi Hendri's Electric Ladyland, Genesis' The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, Prince's Purple Rain, King Crimson's Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Rolling Stones Exile on Main St, Radiohead Kid A, Micheal Jackson's Thriller, David Bowie's Hunky Dory, and MGMT's Oracular Spectacular.

I don't know if everybody is all MJ'ed out but my money is on Thriller.

Anyway,the Phish Coventry Blog posted the boys' soundcheck earlier today. I haven't listened to it yet but I think it's actually a soundboard recording which is pretty awesome. Here's the unofficial setlist:

Festival 8 Soundcheck Jam
Devil with a Blue Dress>
Starship Trooper
Fuck Your Face Tease
MGMT Kids Tease
Liquid Time
Lengthwise tease

Download HERE

Thanks CoventrPhishBlog


I really have no idea what this is supposed to be. I think it looks like a combination of a music note and Mr. Peanut

The Cypher: Mos Def, Black Thought, Eminem

This made me dizzy, my head hurt, and I loved every second of it. It's absolutely fantastic. Seriously, everybody killed it. Just listen and watch.

"Music Should Be Like Water"

Bob Lefsetz said-

"Music should be like water. You turn it on, you expect it to be there. Everybody has access, you don't hoard it, and you pay very little for it. Sure, you can buy bottled water, but that's like going to the concert. You can't go to see everybody you listen to, not if you're an avid music fan, but you still want to check things out, listen to new favorites."

I agree with this statement in that like water, music is everywhere. It is at times ubiquitous, it replenishes people, keeps them going and keeps them alive. For some it runs through them like blood through their veins. Yes we expect it to be there and of course we all have the right to music but in the context Lefsetz uses it, I feel like it almost demeans the true value of music. And I don't mean "value" as in economic value.

I think music is the greatest thing in the world but the way the music "industry" as a business is set up is completely screwed up. We are making moves, making progress but larger strides still need to be made.

"Most" (I generalize) people don't want to pay for music. It's too damn easy to download illegally. Maybe I'll rephrase that and say most people don't want to pay a lot for music. I'm personally torn between my incessant hunger for more and more music (and lack of money) and the utmost respect I have for those who create that music (and deserve to be rewarded for it). I'll still go see a good band I like perform live, because for me nothing beats live music. But is that simply enough for a musician to make a living. To survive?

Artist, bands, and musicians still need to be paid to live though, and they absolutely deserve to be. A truly great musician's contribution to the world far exceeds any politician, organization, business, whatever because they have the ability to reach the entire world. I believe Questlove said in the film "Before the Music Dies" that people get art and commerce mixed up. We need to separate them and realize that art is art and commerce is commerce. As lousy as that sounds and as much as I wish it wasn't true, the way things are set up right now...I think he is right.

But what is also true is that music and art (and I mean REAL music and art; not Miley Cyrus, not the Jonas Brothers, not some garbage ass shit that somebody threw together and got signed to a label because it's hip and cool now. I mean real, enjoyable,quality,thought provoking, good music from real people), no matter if it is a "business" is a way of life for some people and it means so much more to them and to me than making money.

Maybe I just have some ideal Utopian view of the way life should be, although I'm sure everybody would like to change a few things as well. I dunno, that's all I've got.

Actually, I've got one more thing. I may have taken what Lefsetz said a bit out of context. I do realize he has a lot of good ideas and incite into the industry. His point (from what I got) was that the industry does need to change, people don't want to forever have to go and purchase single songs at a time. They want it all, for a base price of sorts. Like an HBO package, you don't buy single shows, you get the whole thing. Anyway, I figured I needed to add that, it was simply that his one water/music comment got me thinking about things.

Check out the LefsetzLetter and see for yourself. The post was just written today (10/28/09) so it may not be archived yet. Anyway, it should be up at some point. Look for "LaLa" as the title.

Thanks for reading.
- b Funk

"No Ceilings" Mixtape Leaked

It was only a matter of time. I still haven't decided if I should wait or not. We'll see how long I can hold out. Nonetheless, you can download it HERE.

Silly Wabbit

Stylophone: "The Biggest Little Instrument Of The Century”

Never even heard of this before. Cool !

Got Tunes?

Pan....? aw shit

Lil Wayne "No Ceilings" Mixtape Drops on Halloween

Okay, I'll begin the countdown tonight.

Lil Wayne drops the "No Ceilings" mixtape this Saturday on HALLOWEEN. (HALLOWEEZZY BAYYBAAAH).

A few tracks have already been leaked(i don't know why people can't just wait for the whole thing to drop) and so far they sound quite promising. None of that rap/punk rock/ nonsense. No autotune. Straight Weezy fire. Anyway, I'm excited. Check out the leaked songs after the jump!

One comment. Anybody ever take notice to how many songs Wayne says something regarding "shit" or "toilet" or something similar? It's almost every song. Okay that's all.

Get em!!!!

Run This Town

Swag Surfin


Oh and if you wanna read a rant in regards to how to save the music industry, based on Lil Wayne. Clicka HERE

Men at Work Monday

You know, it's Monday.

You gotta go to school (BLAH)

or work (BLAH BLAH)

Well I figured this is fitting for such a situation. So shake off those Monday Blues.

Happy Men at Work Monday !



This is my 200TH post!!!!!!

Wow I can remember my very first post.

Thanks to anybody who checks this out and enjoys my antics and shenanigans. I really appreciate it. Thanks everyone.

-b Funk

Monty Python: And Now For Something Completely Different

Watch Monty Python's hilarious first full length movie And Now For Something Completely Different in its entirety right here!

Man, I love these guys. Also, they're currently celebrating their 40th anniversary. Congratulations fellas, for setting comedy standards for generations to come. You truly deserve the recognition.

BlakRoc Episodes 5 and 6

BLAKROC is back with episodes 5 and 6.

On episode 5 Nikki Wray makes her first appearance with a very soulful contribution to the record. Jim Jones returns, does what he does best...smokes a blunt and then delivers (decently).

On episode 6 the Black Keys go it alone for a bit until NOE makes his first appearance and kills it. Check em out!

Remember November 27th!!!

Check out the other episodes Here and Here


Don't Cry, Invisible Afro Guy

Scranton Gangsta

Had to go and find this one too. REP YO CITY hahaaa.

iLL State of Mind

Just found this on DailySwarm and had to put it up. Pretty cool.

(Thanks DailySwarm)

Rainy Saturday Podcast

Here is a little Podcast i put together this rainy afternoon.

Rainy Day Podcast - Danny b Funk

Download her right here. Put it on your iPod and show it to your friends! Cool Neat! yeah! cool!

It's Almost Halloween Which Means...


AMC's FearFest 09 is going on right now until next week. Tonight, October 24th, they are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the first Alien movie!

ABC Family, Spike, SyFy, and FX (among other stations I'm sure) all will have various scary movies on throughout the week as well.


Moby's SICK Analog Synth and Drum Machine Collection

Wow, Wow, Wow, this is great. Really. For your own good, check it out.

Thanks Daily Swarm and Mother Board

You Look Thirsty

Why don't you......

Congratulations Phils

The Phightin' Phils do it for the second year in a row.


The Grateful Dead: Now Playing at the New York Historical Society

Tonight, in honor of Grateful Dead's Phil Lesh and Bob Weir being in town (this Wednesday) for a fund raiser to support their soon to open (well in March) exhibit at the New York Historical Society, the Empire State Building's lights are tie-died !!! Pretty awesome that NYC is honoring The Dead.

Gentlemen for all you've done, you most certainly deserve it.

Check out more about their upcoming exhibit HERE.

Flaming Lips in Studio Performance

Watch the Flaming Lips perform a few songs at KCRW studio including: Convinced Of The Hex, I Can Be A Frog, Watching The Planets, a rare Lips song called Enthusiasm for Life Defeats Existential Fear, and a little sneak peak into their Dark Side of the Moon cover project with the performance of the song Eclipse. Only question I have is why Wayne has all those notes to the right of him, kinda weird that he doesn't know the songs?

Spike Jonze + Kanye West = Ridiculous Video

Kanye parods himself, gets hammered, throws up, releases his (kinda cute) demon?...I don't even know what else to say. Just Watch

"We Were Once A Fairytale" - Kanye West Dir: Spike Jonze from Yooj‽ - Recording Live From No on Vimeo.

Whatchu Got?

Yo Gramps whatchu got there?

Gucci Mane Cold War 10.17

Tonight, October 17th,(10/17) at 10:17 Gucci Mane done gone and released 3 new mixtapes.

That's right THREE.

This 3 mixtape series is called "The Cold War" and each tape, put together by a different DJ "represents" a different country. We've got DJ Drama with Guccimerica, DJ Holiday with Brrrussia, and DJ Scream with Great Brrritain.

Oh yeah and why all the 10/17 stuff? 1017 was the name of the apartment building where Gucci grew up as well as the name of his new label.

I'm not even really a Guc fan but this is insane. Dude be floodin' the streets. Check em out after the jump aaaaaaawwwwwfffffffffffffff.

Git em.



Great Brrritain

(Thanks Nah Right for the album covers and DJ Drama for the links)

Saturday Morning Funk-Up

Good afternoon folks, here's some Club D'elf layin down those funky funky grooves to help get you through this lousy weather. I don't know about you but I've had enough of this "nor'easter" B.S.

Love Park Skateboarding

I don't have too much knowledge about the skateboarding scene but I have always thought it was awesome and have huge respect for people who are good at it. I myself got a cheap board for Christmas one year when I was about 10 or 11 but soon found out I completely lacked any sense of balance,skill, or determination it took to make any progression whatsoever. Nonetheless, I still think it's cool. That's besides the point though.

Let's get down to the reason for this. I never had any idea that up until just a few years ago, "Love Park" in Philadelphia was such a world renown skate spot. BUT, back in 2002 the park was closed off to all skateboarding and since then it has been illegal to skate the park,. Although there have been petitions and movements to reopen the park, with thousands of supporters and over $1,000,000 in contributions to fund the renovations and upkeep of the park, there is still no plan to reopen the park to skaters.

I say if there is a way to reopen the park so that skaters and non-skaters can coexist...THEN DO IT. Philly has a different mayor than they did when they tried the first time, who not try again? Ban together and do something about it.Anyway, that's my 2 cents.

Watch this sweet ass documentary video about the park.

(thanks Katie Fry)

Hipster Shruggin'

"Dude who drank all the PBR..?"

"I don't know man"


Sorry about the Flaming Lips overload here. BUT

According to the LA Times:

The Flaming Lips have already recorded a follow-up to “Embryonic.” The band will release a track-by-track interpretation of Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” in the near future, which it recorded with Stardeath and the White Dwarfs, a band that features Coyne’s nephew Dennis.

Henry Rollins and Peaches make guest appearances on the album, Coyne told the crowd during a pre-concert question-and-answer session. A Flaming Lips spokesman says the album will likely be an iTunes-only release, at least initially.

It will certainly be a more comfortable -- at least familiar release -- than the sonic experimentations of “Embryonic.” But the Flaming Lips’ fan base is one that’s always ready for a challenge, at least that's what Coyne is betting on.

“I think our audience would forgive us for going out in the further regions of whatever we could think of,” Coyne says. “But I don’t think we’d be worthy of being forgiven if we didn’t do that. They’re giving us the freedom, the encouragement, the money and the time to say, ‘Go somewhere where no other band could go, and come back and tell us what it was like.’”

HOLY SHIT!!!!! One of my favorite albums of all time covered by a band a happen to quite enjoy. I don't know about you but I'm ecstatic.

In other news, this isn't the first time Dark Side has been covered in it's entirety. A few years ago the reggae band the Easy Star All stars released "Dub Side of the Moon", a reggae/dub reinvention of Pink Floyd's masterpiece. Very cool and if you have never heard it, check it out.

Dub Side

Flaming Lips Friday

Happy Flaming Lips Friday everyone!! I figured this was in order because the Lips have just released their 12th album (and first double album) entitled "Embryonic" this past Tuesday. The album is quite an ambitious effort and combines their psychedelic space-rock sound from previous efforts such as: At War with the Mystics and Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots with their acid/alternative/punk rock roots.

According to Wayne Coyne, The album came out of some extended jam sessions and "draw inspirations from Plastic Ono Band era John Lennon and Bitches Brew Era Miles Davis". There is certainly some interesting stuff going on in this album and it's certainly worth a few listens and if you are a Lips fan, maybe several. (hey the music guru/snobs over at Pitchfork even gave the album a 9 ! wow wow)

Here's a little video history of the band, from their early beginnings up to now.


Tunnel scene
might make you throw up

She Don't Use Jelly, John Stewart.

Waiting for Superman

This is fantastic hahaha


Big Hands and Wand

I can be a frog!

Good News for Performers: Senate Votes Yes on Radio Station Royalties

This is big news for the music industry as today, October 15th, 2009 the Senate Judiciary Committee voted yes on the proposed Bill to make radio stations pay royalties to the performers when their music is broadcasted. The Bill now moves to full Senate.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said the bill corrects a glaring inequity. "When we listen to music, we are enjoying the intellectual property of two creative artists — the songwriter and the performer," he said.

Well, it's big news, but too bad most popular radio stations play the same 30-40 songs all day. Not really going to help out too many people.

Read the rest of the article from the Associated Press.

Dr. Dre Teams up with HP

This looks pretty cool, too expensive for me though. Also I would have liked to see a more extended interview. Oh well.

By the way,Dre, when's the Detox coming out?!?!?

(from BrainStormTech)


You've got to remember all the classic R.L Stine childrens horror books "Goosebumps". Oh man I used to read these all the time. The Haunted Mask, Say Cheese and Die, Night of the Living Dummy,The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena, How I Got My Shrunken Head, oh man they were great.

Fox kids also had a Goosebumps TV series that ran for a few seasons on Friday nights (right before TGIF). I can still remember that creepy music at the beginning. Apparently Cartoon Network still shows the episodes every October. SWEET!

"That Guy" of the Day

Hey look at that guy. What guy? That guy. The bro-ass,fake-tan-ass, blowout+headband-sportin'-ass, chin-strap,new jerzey-ass, lookin' guy. Ohhhhhhhhh HIM